Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt Signs Landmark Education Freedom Package

If only every state had a governor like Oklahoma’s Kevin Stitt. On Friday, he signed the ASPIRE Oklahoma Plan into law, providing a tax credit between $5,000 and $7,500 for educational choice for every student in Oklahoma, plus an additional $96,000 per school for student security.

As the left consolidates its stranglehold on public education, Governor Stitt has allowed parents to exit the propaganda farms that the left has created, and to send their children to schools that choose to educate students rather than brainwash them.

Budweiser and Target have lost billions by pandering to the left. It’s about time states follow Oklahoma’s lead, and allow parents to boycott the public education system as well, forcing schools to reconsider their push to the left by literally emptying their bank accounts.

Kudos to Governor Stitt for empowering parents, protecting children and providing an example for other states to follow.

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