Tag: election

  • Trump’s New Nickname For DeSantis Glosses Over Reality

    Trump’s New Nickname For DeSantis Glosses Over Reality

    I’d like to think that in the GOP, ads are fair and deal in truth. I said I’d like to think that, but even in the GOP the means justify the ends, and ads are allowed to shade or distort the truth in order to make a point. Case in point is the pro-Trump PAC “Maga, Inc.”, branding DeSantis as “Ron DeSalesTax” and asserting that he wanted to — and here’s the key word — add a 23% federal sales tax on the backs of every American. That simply isn’t true.

  • AI Takes Leftist Censorship To A New Level

    AI Takes Leftist Censorship To A New Level

    Artificial intelligence engines are all the rage — ask any marketing agency what they’re focused on today, and they’ll talk about using AI to generate email marketing content, or AI-generated images for ad campaigns. Online goods are using AI to generate images for coffee mugs, t-shirts, bumper stickers and a host of additional online goods that they can generate and sell quickly. It’s literally the new gold rush, and everyone is participating. Of course, with all the focus on AI-generated content, there’s also the question of whether the content being produced has value, and when subjective questions of value intersect with Silicon Valley, the tech world’s obsession with leftist dogma starts to show up.

  • Did Kevin McCarthy Win The Debt Ceiling Fight? An Analysis.

    Did Kevin McCarthy Win The Debt Ceiling Fight? An Analysis.

    Kevin McCarthy announced Sunday that he had worked out a compromise deal with Joe Biden and the Democrats on the debt ceiling standoff. While this is good news for the millions of Americans whose livelihoods depend on Medicare, Social Security and government employment, a more detailed analysis of the bill shows that both sides took hits. The GOP technically eeked out a win in terms of what they got, but what they lost may ultimately end up costing us more in the long run.

  • The GOP Packs The Primary Field While Democrats Consolidate Early Around Biden

    The GOP Packs The Primary Field While Democrats Consolidate Early Around Biden

    The GOP effectively needs to make a choice between allowing Trump to be the head of the party, or choosing someone else. The only way that choice can be made effectively is to quickly winnow the opposing field of candidates until there is Trump and someone else, emphasis on the “one.” Only at that point can voters consolidate behind one of two choices, and clearly identify Trump (or his opponent) as the party leader.