Clayton Kershaw Gets It. The Dodgers Don’t.

I’ve been a Dodger fan all my life. I watch nearly every game, and I love Los Angeles baseball. As a Christian, I’ve watched in horror as my MLB team invited the Sisters of Perpetual Perversion — oops, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to their Pride Night game on June 16th. Public backlash was fierce, especially in a heavily Hispanic region like Los Angeles, and the Dodgers retracted the invite, only to get hammered by alphabet-soup activists, at which point they reinvited the “sisters.”

The Sisters of Perpetual Perversion (let’s call it like it is) is an organization of gay and transgender protestors who openly mock the Catholic faith and leverage its iconography in their celebration of their sin. I’m not a fan of “pride” events in the first place, but the sisters take it far beyond simple pride, and make a mockery of the faith of others. They have no shame, and they (should) have no place at a family entertainment venue like a MLB game.

Let’s be clear. Just like with beer, or big box stores, politics has no place in baseball. It’s the national pasttime, not a forum to indulge perversion in front of attending families. The Dodgers would have been much wiser to have never invited the sisters in the first place, and their attendance has shown a hit since the decision.

Clayton Kershaw, star pitcher for the Dodgers, had this to say. “I don’t agree with making fun of other people’s religions. It has nothing to do with anything other than that. I just don’t think that, no matter what religion you are, you should make fun of somebody else’s religion. So that’s something that I definitely don’t agree with.” From your lips to the Dodgers ears, Clayton. You get it, they don’t.

Clayton encouraged the Dodgers to relaunch their “Christian Faith and Family Day”, and acknowledged that it his thought was to “balance” the Dodger’s decision to hold Pride Night in June.

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Conservative commentator and Fox News host Laura Ingraham famously launched her career with a book entitled “Shut Up And Sing,” encouraging music celebs to stay away from politics and focusing on entertaining. While having a “Christian” night is nice, I think I’d be much happier if my stadium would simply shut up play baseball. (I’d really like it if they’d endorse Christian values and return to the nation we once were, but I think that ship has sailed.)

I’ll be cancelling my MLB subscription and glancing at highlight reels on YouTube for the rest of this season. It’s time for Gadsdenites to stand up for what we believe in. The alternative is to lose it all.


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