Tag: lgbqt

  • The White House Pride Event Demonstrates an Opportunity for Conservatives

    The White House Pride Event Demonstrates an Opportunity for Conservatives

    The White House gay pride celebration on June 10th of this year was a sickening display of immorality and Presidential hyperbole. It deserves all the shame and rebuke it has received, and it also shows how out of touch the White House is with the general public. That disconnect presents an opportunity for conservative Americans to take their case to the general public and persuade them our side in the upcoming election.

  • The Incestuous Menage: Government, Corporate America & LGBQT

    The Incestuous Menage: Government, Corporate America & LGBQT

    Imagine for a moment that you are the CEO of Budweiser, the 120th largest company in the world. You’ve just shed $27 BILLION dollars in market value after promoting transgenderism. What would you do? Would you a) immediately put a halt to all LGBQT initiaves to stave off collapse, or would you b) double down and sponsor a “family friendly” gay pride event, including a drag queen story time for the kiddos? In a sane world, the answer is obvious, but we do not live in a sane world. There is an undeniably corrupt alliance forming that looks to do to corporate America what the left did to healthcare, education and the government sectory — a complete takeover.

  • OFF TARGET: $15 Billion In Losses Later, Target Still Thinks It Should Pander to LGBQT Groups

    OFF TARGET: $15 Billion In Losses Later, Target Still Thinks It Should Pander to LGBQT Groups

    Let’s not bury the lede. After losing $15 billion in value over the last few weeks, Target still thinks the right call is to pander to leftist groups who favor LGBQT advocacy. The absolute lunacy to think that a fraction of the US population is accounting for the slide is the ultimate in hubris, and is only going to make things worse for the big box chain.