Author: admin

  • It’s Time To Reform Celebrity Endorsements

    It’s Time To Reform Celebrity Endorsements

    Oprah Winfrey received $1,000,000 from the Harris campaign for her endorsement of Kamala. The American people deserved to know that, and to factor that into their determination of whether Oprah’s endorsement was genuine.

  • The US Senate Gavel

    The US Senate Gavel

    With Trump’s unified government almost a certainty, the ability of the Democrat party to oppose Trump’s agenda will be limited to bureaucratic resistance, court fights, and actions taken at the state level. Where Trump will have to fight is within his own party.

  • So What About the House?

    So What About the House?

    Donald Trump is on the verge of presiding over a unified government, with the GOP in control of the Presidency, the Senate, the House, and with a solid conservative majority in the Supreme Court. All but the House are already firmly in GOP control, and as of today (Sunday, November 11th) the GOP holds 214 seats, and the Democrat party controls 203. The first party to hit 218 seats gains control of the House Chamber for at least the next two years.

  • Jewel Doesn’t Understand What The National Anthem Is For

    Jewel Doesn’t Understand What The National Anthem Is For

    In a time when our children can’t tell you about basic American history, and when America seems to be losing its moorings, the National Anthem serves as an anchor to times past when Americans were heroes, when men sacrificed their personal lives to secure freedom for generations. It’s far time for our artists to sacrifice their desire to be noticed, and instead turn viewers’ attention to the nation they’re singing about.

  • Gun Control Legislation Should Be Suspended By Default While Under Appeal.

    Gun Control Legislation Should Be Suspended By Default While Under Appeal.

    When states pass legislation that limits 2nd Amendment rights, the presumption of the peoples’ right to keep and bear arms should mean that the new law should be enjoined until the case makes its way through the appeals process. Frankly, this should be the default for any law abridging Constitutional rights. When a state says that a Constitutional right needs to be limited, it’s implying that the citizens of that state are abusing that right, and those citizens should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. As a consquence, any law that restrict those rights should be enjoined until it’s proven that the citizens are guilty of the abuse they’re being accused of.

  • Bud Light & The Leftist Takeover of Corporate America.  They’re Coming For More Than Your Beer.

    Bud Light & The Leftist Takeover of Corporate America. They’re Coming For More Than Your Beer.

    Bud Light’s recent attack on conservative values is just the latest round of Corporate America’s war against the right. Bud Light puts a man with a clear mental disorder on a beer can. Nike celebrates Colin Kaepernick. Target flouts androgenous and trans models in their clothing ads. The food police wipe Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben from history. Mark Cuban eliminates the national anthem from Mavericks games. In some cases, we won the fight. Bud Light saw substantial losses and reversed course quickly. Mark Cuban was forced to restore the anthem by the NBA to protect viewership of games. In most cases though, we are losing ground, and the frequency of those losses is accelerating.